
If learning how to brew espresso is on your to-do list, then an espresso machine is definitely on your wish list. An espresso machine makes it fun to explore the wondrous world of coffee, where flavours, aromas, recipes and techniques are endless. On this page we delve into the manual espresso machine. If you have one of these on your list, read on to find out more about the machinery.

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What is a manual espresso machine?

A manual espresso machine is, as the name suggests, a very manual machine where you are in control. You control the battle: Grind the beans, weigh the correct dose, tamp the portafilter, control the pressure with the pump handle, keep an eye on the flow time – and everything else in the process. You’re the one doing the job.

It is therefore important that you understand the principle and technique behind espresso. You have to invest in the craftsmanship, and in return you get an experience that’s beyond compare.

When brewing on a manual espresso machine, the machine itself is not enough. It also requires you to have your arsenal of equipment under control – which only makes playing with espresso more fun!

For example, you need to get hold of:

  • A weight
  • A coffee grinder
  • A milk jug
  • A tamper
  • A stamping mat


What is the advantage of a manual espresso machine?

There are many advantages to a manual espresso machine. We’ll give you a few pointers to help you decide:

  • You get an espresso that tastes like good craftsmanship
  • Opportunity to find your inner coffee geek and make your own print profiles and
  • You have full control over the whole process
  • You get to challenge yourself, which makes the satisfaction even greater when you succeed
  • A manual espresso machine is a pretty cool addition to your kitchen


Let us help you get started brewing

When you start brewing at home, it can be good to have a little help along the way. Of course, we’ll give you that help to get you started as a coffee artist.


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